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Wednesday 1 March 2017

Microsoft invests in Swedish Pickit

Pickits team on Gotland cofounder Henrik Bergqvist, third from left in the back row, and marketing director Robert Dysell, second from left in the back row.

Pickits team on Gotland cofounder Henrik Bergqvist, third from left in the back row, and marketing director Robert Dysell, second from left in the back row. 
Photo: Pickit
The Swedish photo service Pickit closes investment round of $ 4.6 million, close to 42 million. The money comes from the IT giant Microsoft investeringsarm Microsoft Ventures, Almi Invest and two international investors who wish to remain anonymous.
Microsoft is acquiring a stake in the company to below 40 percent of the shares.
How much Microsoft has invested of 42 million want Pickit not go out with, but it is a significant part, according to Robert Dysell, Marketing Pickit.
Gotlandsbolaget Pickit, formerly known, has developed a service for crowdsourcat image material can be used legally in such presentations. The company has described himself as a Spotify for photography because photographers are paid when the images are used.
Co-founder Mathias Björkholm and Henrik Bergqvist parts as CEO of the company.
The partnership with Microsoft began four years ago, after Mathias Björkholm made contact with the company's lawyers in Sweden.
"He called them and scolded them. He said that you offer Powerpoint as a visualization tool, but you have removed the cost celebrating image service Clipart. It's like telling users to the crime! "Says Robert Dysell.
After Microsoft opened their eyes to the cocky Swedes were Pickit to default in PowerPoint. In spring 2016 the company was tied even closer to Microsoft, when it was integrated into the Microsoft Office package. Now, Microsoft is investing in the company for the first time.
According to Robert Dysell is Pickit the twentieth company in the world that Microsoft Ventures invested in.
So far Pickit focused on customer service and want to continue to expand among the world's 1.2 billion Office users. But with the new capital should primarily develop its corporate business and target market and brand departments.
"We kill the old, boring image bank and puts life into it by distributing it as easy as Clip Art. We create a new way of working with images in white-collar businesses, "said Robert Dysell.
For companies marketed Pickit not primarily as an image bank, but as a distribution tool where companies can upload their own pictures.
The company has started charging for its service a few months ago and so far has no revenue to speak of. Individuals can use the service for free and get extra features for $ 2 a month. For companies plan a monthly license based on the number of employees who use the service.
Pickit has 25 employees and offices in Visby and in Washington.

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