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Thursday, 2 March 2017

5 New Google Features

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5 New Google Apps and Features That Will Wow You

Mihir Patkar  19-04-2016 4 minutes
5 New Google Apps and Features That Will Wow You
Google never ceases to stop innovating. Even after releasing a ton of interesting updates this year, the Internet giant has launched even more new apps and features to make life easier for its users.
The Top Google Updates in 2016 You'll Want to Know About
The Top Google Updates in 2016 You'll Want to Know About
Google has introduced quite a few changes to many of its products over the last 4-5 months. We decided to round up some of the more useful ones that you might want to know about.

Yes, Google knows a lot about you and it can be a bit scary to rely on it more and more. But given how seamlessly all its products and services work with each other, it’s difficult to resist using them.

From making it easier to follow up on your long-term goals to giving away $150 worth of software for free, here are the new Google tools and updates that will blow you away.

Goals in Google Calendar (Android, iOS): Automatically Find Time for Good Habits in Your Calendar

Last year, the addition of Reminders made Google Calendar into an incredible to-do list app. The company recognizes how important a calendar is to people’s productivity, so it has added one more feature for those seeking to improve themselves this year. Goals asks what habit you want to form, and automatically finds slots for it in your busy schedule.
Reminders Make Google Calendar an Incredible To-Do List
Reminders Make Google Calendar an Incredible To-Do List
Do you maintain a to-do list and a separate calendar? It introduces friction because tasks and scheduling are interdependent. Google now solved this by introducing Reminders to Google Calendar on Android.

A simple guide helps you add new goals (like exercising or learning a new language), and then automatically finds pockets of time in your calendar when you can do this activity. Did you do your activity when asked? Mark it as done! Couldn’t do it? Tap Defer, and Calendar will find a new slot for it so you don’t miss it completely. Goals in Calendar has all the fundamental elements of forming a new habit even when it’s hard.

Download: Google Calendar for Android (Free) | iOS (Free)

Save to Google (Chrome, Web): A Pocket-Like Bookmarking Service from Google

Here at MakeUseOf, we firmly believe that Pocket is the ultimate digital bookmarking service. But Google has new competition, which is better and worse in some ways. The new Save to Google is only available as a Chrome extension right now and its features are limited, but there are some good bits about it.
Pocket - The Ultimate Digital Bookmarking Service
Pocket - The Ultimate Digital Bookmarking Service
As Bakari previously reported, the well loved Read It Later - which enabled users to save articles to read later from a bookmarklet or various apps it was integrated with - was discontinued and replaced...

You can save any link with the extension, and add tags to it. Along with tags, Save to Google lets you write notes so that you remember why the link is important — a feature Pocket doesn’t have. Another one of the cool aspects is the ability to save images from a Google Image Search!

On the down side, you can only use this Chrome extension to add links right now. And to view them, you have to go to and sign in. No apps for smartphones at the moment, but you should check out Google’s URL Shortener for Android if that’s what you want.
URL Shortener Is The Swiss Knife Of Link Sharing And Saving On Android
URL Shortener Is The Swiss Knife Of Link Sharing And Saving On Android
What sets URL Shortener apart is how easy it makes it for you to save links, copy them to a clipboard, or share them directly from a menu.

Download: Save to Google for Chrome

Google Nik (Windows, Mac): $150 of Photoshop and Lightroom Plu

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