In the past year or two, there have been a lot of major WhatsApp updates, like the addition of video calling, end-to-end encryption, voicemail, tons of new emoji, Google Drive backups and the end of the subscription fee. And now, you can convert videos into GIFs, share them and search for them on Giphy.
Convert videos into GIFs and share: Tap the attachment icon in a conversation, record a video, then hitOK. When the video trimming page pops up, tap the camcorder icon on the upper right and it will switch to a GIF icon. Then you can send your up to six second long video as a GIF.
Share GIFs from Giphy or Tenor: Tap the emoji button and you can choose between the GIF and emoji modes on the bar that shows up at the bottom. Choose GIF and you can see a list of popular emoji or search by keyword for just the right GIF for the occasion. The GIF feature is from either Giphy or Tenor, with users split between the two services evenly.
New media sharing limit: The media sharing limit has been raised from 10 to 30, so you can now share up to 30 photos or videos at once.
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